Medevial's Traumzeit-Tarot ®
The Secrets of the rising Soul


Oracle Verse:

Look at the mirror and discover yourself.
In the smallest like in the great
it's all hidden what you are.
If you understand to use the time for yourself,
your luck will not be a long time in coming,
Luck is something what is given to every man and every woman as a right by birth.


"10 - Luck / The Wheel of Fortune"

Keywords: fate, your way, your life, your circle, incarnation, personality, individualism, personal astrology


Story: "The Wheel of Fortune" is one of the cards which are very difficult to understand in readings, because we get no clear answer. The only answer is that it's our personal way with ups and downs, the way which we have to go in this incarnation, the way which takes us to all stations where we can learn and grow in our personality.
I used the astrological system for this card because it's the best individual interpretation and includes all answers. Whenever this card appears in a reading the answer is that it's your way which you are going and the happenings are in any way important for the growing of your soul. (I know, that's not the answer which we are looking for). It's a good idea if you try to find informations in your personal astrologic system, the secrets of your soul are hidden in this.

(Sorry if my translation isn't really perfect, you're invited to correct my words)

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