Medevial's Traumzeit-Tarot ®
The Secrets of the rising Soul


Oracle Verse:

That's you pleasure now, you don't have the Fool's liberty in mind,
else the Magician's flexibility in form, body or elements.
Now your patience will be tested very strong.
Only understanding will take you back to a fertile life.


"12 - The Hanged Man"

Keywords: life-reverse, time, waiting, no lucky hands


Story: "The Hanged Man" is the logical following of the dernier station. You risked too much, tried to get more as the basics of your fate, - now you have much time to think about it.
Don't be freightened, thinking is good and so you'll grow in your mind and soul. In the moment the situation may seem unlucky, but for your future it's important that you learn from your mistakes.

(Sorry if my translation isn't really perfect, you're invited to correct my words)

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